Welcome to C.A.D.S.
Founded in 1975, Children’s All Day School & Pre-Nursery has proven to be a valuable preparation for New York City Independent and Public Schools. C.A.D.S. occupies an historic four-story building on 60th Street and Lexington Ave. Our dedicated staff has built a state of the art school serving boys and girls, ages six months to five years, and their parents for ten hours a day, twelve months a year. We introduce each child to a social community within an appealing, structured setting, where each infant, toddler or preschooler can grow and learn. Our belief is that children are born curious and natural scientists so we incorporate science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics into each and every classroom. Now, more of that learning can be accessed at home, using the interactive resources for “C.A.D.S. Parents,” the public library, video and music media centers. Share your child’s daily experiences at our preschool and help him or her reinforce critical skills. C.A.D.S. is the only nursery in New York “where school feels like home.”